ICCHP 2010 talk

My talk on audio CAPTCHA at ICCHP finished yesterday in Vienna.

I enjoyed using Twitter during the conference. Thank you.

Dear new friends,
Usually I tweet in Japanese with @nishimotz account. I prefer using facebook for English conversation. So, please feel free to unfollow me.
Both facebook and @nishimotz account on Twitter can be used for English conversation.
I will tweet in Japanese with @nishimtz account.

My slide and my tweets at ICCHP is as follows: Takuya Nishimoto, Takayuki Watanabe: The Evaluations of Deletion-Based Method and Mixing-Mased Method for Audio CAPTCHAs.

Notice (2010-10-16): Updated slide of this topic (for Interspeech in Sep. 2010) is available.

Twitter Timeline:

tweet time below is JST.

Day 1:

Looking for twitter users at #icchp

posted at 16:47:42

#icchp coffee time.

posted at 17:38:05

#icchp Session A Tr2: HCI and non classical interfaces

posted at 18:03:17

Magee: showed HAILtwitter app demo. #icchp

posted at 19:12:45

Lunch time.

posted at 20:31:39

It is easier to find conversation or create new virtual community using twitter, rather than using Facebook.

posted at 20:40:58

Session B Track 1: Digital access to documents.. #icchp

posted at 20:57:43

DAISY+NorBraille solution by @RoboBraille #icchp

posted at 23:03:08

Session C Track 2: HCI for blind and visually handicapped people. Spoken dialogs. #icchp

posted at 23:20:05

I am eating too much here. Sparkling drink and sweets..

posted at 23:24:55

Tr2: Pucher presenting VoiceXML-based SDS using Festival German TTS with Austrian varieties #icchp

posted at 00:13:34

Day 2:

Good morning from Vienna. #icchp day 2.

posted at 13:12:49

Session D Tr1: Designing Haptic Interaction #icchp

posted at 15:31:45

Tr1: discussing in Japanese :-P Shimada’s Tactile scroll-bar system and Kobayashi’s DB2..

posted at 17:16:41

Keynote: Prof Schultz on weak and silent speech #icchp

posted at 18:07:25

Stak and Bradley: simplification of texts #icchp

posted at 18:53:35

Session E Tr4: eGovernment accessibility #icchp

posted at 20:33:49

Tr4: usable web accessibility #icchp

posted at 21:41:09

Gala dinner. Kursalon. WiFi available. #icchp

posted at 13:48:32

Day 3:

Good morning from Vienna. #icchp day 3. Today’s presentation on audio CAPTCHA http://slidesha.re/bfddKy

posted at 13:56:33

VoiceXML, he said. “@ruslanrf: they use voice Over XML for dialogue #icchp”

posted at 16:14:43

Tr4: My talk on CAPTCHA finished. @cdspower gave comments on NASA-TLX. Thank for all. #icchp

posted at 18:13:02

I created English demo of audio CAPTCHA this morning. using web-based Festival and GNU Octave http://gist.github.com/478179

posted at 18:29:23

Tr4: #icchp http://www.interreg-care.org/site/ but the site is down.

posted at 18:47:16

Japanese a11y community likes domestic solutions, but I thought i18n is important to avoid reinventing the wheels. #icchp

posted at 03:19:42

NVDA localization in Japan #icchp RT @debugon: #nvdajp Alpha2 http://sourceforge.jp/projects/nvdajp/releases/48294

posted at 04:04:07

“distinguished sign language interpreters for #ICCHP: Joanna Martin and Gerdinand Wagenaar” http://bit.ly/csyDlW via facebook

posted at 12:24:58

Published by nishimotz

A freelance consultant. doctor of engineering. speech interface, open-source software, accessibility, #nvdajp. Facebook: http://bit.ly/ckUk20