Assistive technology for visually impaired

Takuya Nishimoto, Takayuki Watanabe: “An analysis of human-to-human dialogs and its application to assist visually-impaired people,” Computers Helping People with Special Needs, LNCS 5105, Springer, (Proceedings of 11th International Conference, ICCHP 2008, Linz, Austria), pp.809-812, 10th Jul 2008.
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Takuya Nishimoto, Yukika Kariya, Takayuki Watanabe: “The effect of learning on listening to ultra-fast speech,” Proceedings of Acoustics ’08 Paris, pp.6119-6124, 4th Jul 2008.
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Takuya Nishimoto, Shinji Sako, Shigeki Sagayama, Kazue Ohshima, Koichi Oda, Takayuki Watanabe: “Effect of Learning on Listening to Ultra-Fast Synthesized Speech,” Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Annual International Conference (EMBC2006), pp.5691-5694, New York, Sep 2006.

Takuya Nishimoto, Takayuki Kawasaki: “Support tools for broadcasting self-created radio programs for the visually impaired,” CSUN 17th Annual International Conference, Technology and Persons with Disabilities, March 2002.

Takuya Nishimoto, Masahiro Araki and Yasuhisa Niimi: “The Practical Side of Teaching the Elderly Visually Impaired Users to Use the E-Mail,” Proceedings of the UAHCI 2001 Conference, (Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction), New Orleans, Louisiana USA, Vol.3, pp.963-967, Aug 2001.

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