Voice interface and effectiveness

One of my colleague made a presentation at Human-Agent-Interaction symposium in Tokyo yesterday. The assumption is that the human-like spoken dialogs are highly effective. Our proposal is to use the reinforcement-learning for acquiring the strategy how to respond quickly to overlapped utterances, interruptions, or gestures during spoken dialogs between human and machine. Although the research […]


I am developing a service called orpheus_tw. Japanese songs composed by the automatic composition system “Orpheus” (a research project at the University of Tokyo) can be shared with the followers of a Twitter account @orpheus_tw. This service was built with Ruby and Rails, and hosted by Heroku. Additional “delayed job” option is also used.

Research on Spoken Dialogue Agent

The upcoming publications at Human Agent Interaction Symposium (HAI2009) are as follows: Masayuki Nakazawa, Takuya Nishimoto, Shigeki Sagayama: Title: Behavior Generation for Spoken Dialogue Agent by Dynamical Model Abstract: For the spoken dialog systems with the anthropomorphic agents, it is important to give the natural impressions and the real presence to human. For this purpose, […]

A research on speech CAPTCHA systems

I am working on my presentation at WIT/SP meeting as follows. Title: The comparison between the deletion-based methods and the mixing-based methods for safe speech CAPTCHA systems Authors: Takuya NISHIMOTO, Hitomi MATSUMURA and Takayuki WATANABE Abstract: Speech-based CAPTCHA systems, which distinguish between software agents and human beings, are especially important for persons with visual disability.  […]

Galatea release announcement

Latest Galatea Toolkit (beta version) is released as follows: http://en.sourceforge.jp/projects/galatea/releases/ Please notice that current version is for Japanese conversations. I would like to discuss the plans for internationalization of this tools. The English documents are not fully checked. Please give me the comments and suggestions at galatea-i18n mailing list, which is hosted at sourceforge.jp. P.S. […]

A multimodal interactive system based on hierarchical Model-View-Controller architecture

Multimodal interactive systems are expected to be used widely. To realize life-like agents or humanoid robots, flexible architecture for integrating software modules is necessary. Many frameworks are proposed. Joseph Polifroni, Stephanie Seneff. 2000. Galaxy-II as an Architecture for Spoken Dialogue Evaluation. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pp.42-50. Yosuke Matsusaka, Kentaro […]

O’ra-be : A support system for broadcasting radio programs

Radio is familiar and important media, especially for elderly people and persons with visually impaired. The community-broadcasting offices are also increasing, because they are useful at the time of disaster. To make the regional information programs, however, take the time and effort of news-gathering. From this viewpoint, we developed a system “O’ra-be” for broadcasting voice […]

Using JMC from Java

I have read the following post and understood pattern to use class of JavaFX from the Java language. http://www.matthicks.com/2009/02/i-hate-javafx-i-love-javafx.html I tried to use Java Media Components from Java to play MP3 files and at last I succeeded. The environment is Windows XP, and JavaFX SDK 1.1 is installed at c:\Program Files\JavaFX\javafx-sdk. I can agree to […]

Japanese TTS for NVDA

Objectives Many of tools for the visually impaired to use a PC and the Web are commercial software at present. The following problems occur due to this. The financial problem. It is difficult to follow flexibly and rapidly for a change of needs and the OS environment of the user. The needs cannot be shared […]

Galatea English Technical Notes

English technical notes page of Galatea Linux is available: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/galatea/wiki/EnglishTechnicalNotes (continue from previous post) I have implemented a simple template engine for Java before experiencing Ruby on Rails, and have used template engines for PHP and Perl. However, the installation may be troublesome, and it was dissatisfaction to have to use engine-dependent description languages. Ruby […]